Investitii Romania

The foreign direct investments in Romania have doubled

New statistics were published by National Statistics Institute about the foreign direct investments in Romania, compared with the last years.
Romanian environment authorisation

The environmental permit should be renewed annually

A new legislative amendment relevant to the functioning of the activities with an impact on the environment is the Emergency Ordinance no.75 / 19.07.2018.
Romanian Prevention Law

Romanian Prevention Law

The Parliament of Romania approved on Wednesday the Prevention Law which will block state inspectors from issuing fines for certain issues found during their controls at companies.
invest in Romania

Invest in Romania

In this article we will present you in detail the most relevant aspects and reasons why you should think to invest in Romania. For the beginning we will try to familiarize you with some details about ...
company management consulting

Ce obligații ai în cadrul companiei tale atunci când ai angajați?

Atunci când afacerea ta se dezvoltă și realizezi că ești nevoit și îți poți permite să angajezi pe cineva pentru a putea să stai la dispoziția cât mai multor clienți și totodată să devi mai profitabil, este un motiv de mare bucurie.